In portuguese, english, french, italian and spanish...
This amazing, powerful word express exactly how I am feeling at this moment. Right now, I am here, sitting in this dark corner, the wind is blowing my fringe away. My fingers are cold.
I feel vulnerable, unprotected, exposed, naked. I feel beatifully sad. I feel cold and forgotten.
There is a purple tiny flower lying on the ground. I cant reach it...but I am staring at it. The tiny flower is the only color around. It keeps me sane and it's saving from my worst enemy: Myself, my mind, my thoughts...My monster me.
Revisiting Nashville
2 months ago
keep string at the flower dear, your mood will soon sing back, want a rivotril?
You don´t need a Rivotril, baby...
Anonymous, stop temptating her!!! Kkkkkkk...
Keep straight and go forward to get the tiny flower...
Luv u!!!
oi dani, boa sorte com a nova colecao!!queria ver as pecas!!
adorei o seu blog!!
beijos fe maia
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